If and only if

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If you can hear my mind,
you will hear me scream and cry.
You may perceive me as strong and independent,
but the truth is I’m also vulnerable and fragile.
Despite all of these,
I’ll still continue to pursue my dreams in life.

If you can see my soul,
Would you leave me alone?
You may see me high in spirit,
but the truth is there are times I’m struggling.
I’m still able to find courage and inspiration,
and I’ll continue to live whatever battle I’ll encounter.

If you can feel my heart,
would you come and give me a hug?
I want to take care of myself and be a bit more selfish
but everytime someone is in need I always give.

I’m already burned out.
If you compare me to a tree,
you will see almost all my leaves dried out.
If you are one of those few green leaves,
Please don’t drop.
you’re the only few reasons why I’m still holding onto this life.

-Jansen G.