It was my second time attending Mulesoft meetup now and the experience is getting more exciting.
Attending this meetup boosts my hype and enthusiasm in learning and mastering this technology.
It will make you feel that there are lots of mule developers out there just like me who integrates cloud services.
In this blog I will share to you my experiences on the event happened at WhiteSky Labs last September 20,2018
Last night(September 20) was a great experience. We learned a lot on what’s new in Mule 4 and their advantages. The attendees shared their ideas of advantages in using Mule 4 and what are the breaking changes that you have to watchout for.
The Speaker asking attendees about their experiences with mule 4,its advantages and new features
Enrico Rafols Dela Cruz (top MuleSoft community contributors (August ’18))
Explaining about global functions and how we can leverage this feature
The speaker showed us the features and changes in Mule 4 and their syntax. One of the examples that I like is the dataweave 2.0 where you can now call java methods inside dataweave.
Speaker talking about old ways to make Choice Router work by adding Transformer JSON to Object and how you will solve this in mule 4
Muleys also received exciting prices during that day. The organizers gave 2 vouchers to those who’ve answered the questions correctly. These vouchers can be used for MuleSoft training or certification. I really hoped that my name was drawn out of that box though ( 😂 ) but that’s okay. All MuleSoft attendees got their free Mule Shirts!
M-Shield T-Shirt
MuleSoft gives free M-Shield T-Shirts for the participants.
They also gave 2 Mule Squishy to the first timer who won the game Mule Genius ( Pinoy Henyo ) I participated on that game though 😂 it was fun.
Checkout the video on our group page Mule PH 😊
Mule Swag
Me and my workmate Kenneth after the event wearing M-Shield 😊
Wearing this shirt makes me feel like Superman!
If you are a mulesoft fan or Mulesoft Developer here in Manila, I encourage you to join Mulesoft Meetups.
Special thanks to WhiteSky Labs for organizing this event. For accomodating their attendees very well and for all the efforts to make the Mulesoft Meetup come into reality
Topic is Mule 4’s Dataweave 2.0
Photo Credits to WhiteSky Labs.
Thanks for reading. What’s your thoughts? comment on the section below.